/* [===========================================================================] [ Copyright (c) 2009, Helori LAMBERTY ] [ All rights reserved. ] [ ] [ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ] [ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ] [ are met: ] [ ] [ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ] [ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ] [ ] [ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ] [ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ] [ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ] [ distribution. ] [ ] [ * Neither the name of NotesFor.net nor the names of its ] [ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ] [ from this software without specific prior written permission. ] [ ] [ THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ] [ "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ] [ LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ] [ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ] [ OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ] [ SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ] [ LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ] [ DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ] [ THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ] [ (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE ] [ USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH ] [ DAMAGE. ] [===========================================================================] */ (function($) { $.fn.lightBox = function(settings) { /// /// Init the JQuery ligntbox settings. /// /// /// 1: overlayBgColor - (string) Background color to overlay; inform a hexadecimal value like: #RRGGBB. Where RR, GG, and BB are the hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue values of the color. /// 2: overlayOpacity - (integer) Opacity value to overlay; inform: 0.X. Where X are number from 0 to 9. /// 3: fixedNavigation - (boolean) Boolean that informs if the navigation (next and prev button) will be fixed or not in the interface. /// 4: imageLoading - (string) Path and the name of the loading icon image /// 5: imageBtnPrev - (string) Path and the name of the prev button image /// 6: imageBtnNext - (string) Path and the name of the next button image /// 7: imageBtnClose - (string) Path and the name of the close button image /// 8: imageBlank - (string) Path and the name of a blank image (one pixel) /// 9: imageBtnBottomPrev - (string) Path and the name of the bottom prev button image /// 10: imageBtnBottomNext - (string) (string) Path and the name of the bottom next button image /// 11: imageBtnPlay - (string) Path and the name of the close button image /// 12: imageBtnStop - (string) Path and the name of the play button image /// 13: containerBorderSize - (integer) If you adjust the padding in the CSS for the container, #lightbox-container-image-box, you will need to update this value /// 14: containerResizeSpeed - (integer) Specify the resize duration of container image. These number are miliseconds. 500 is default. /// 15: txtImage - (string) Specify text "Image" /// 16: txtOf - (string) Specify text "of" /// 17: txtPrev - (string) Specify text "previous" /// 18: keyToNext - (string) Specify text "next" /// 19: keyToClose - (string) (c = close) Letter to close the jQuery lightBox interface. Beyond this letter, the letter X and the SCAPE key is used to. /// 20: keyToPrev - (string) (p = previous) Letter to show the previous image. /// 21: keyToNext - (string) (n = next) Letter to show the next image. /// 22: slideShowTimer - (integer) number of milliseconds to change image by default 5000. /// /// settings = jQuery.extend({ // Configuration related to overlay overlayBgColor: '#000', overlayOpacity: 0.8, // Configuration related to navigation fixedNavigation: false, // Configuration related to images imageLoading: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/loading.gif', imageBtnPrev: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/prev.png', imageBtnNext: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/next.png', imageBtnClose: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/close.png', imageBlank: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/lightbox-blank.gif', imageBtnBottomPrev: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/btm_prev.gif', imageBtnBottomNext: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/btm_next.gif', imageBtnPlay: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/start.png', imageBtnStop: '/bizdemo6206/img/images/pause.png', // Configuration related to container image box containerBorderSize: 10, containerResizeSpeed: 500, // Configuration related to texts in caption. For example: Image 2 of 8. You can alter either "Image" and "of" texts. txtImage: 'Image', txtOf: 'of', txtPrev: ' Previous', txtNext: ' Next', // Configuration related to keyboard navigation keyToClose: 'c', keyToPrev: 'p', keyToNext: 'n', //Configuration related to slide show slideShowTimer: 5000, // Don´t alter these variables in any way step: 0, imageArray: [], slideShow: 'start', activeImage: 0 }, settings); // Caching the jQuery object with all elements matched var jQueryMatchedObj = this; // This, in this context, refer to jQuery object function _initialize() { _start(this, jQueryMatchedObj); // This, in this context, refer to object (link) which the user have clicked return false; // Avoid the browser following the link } function _start(objClicked, jQueryMatchedObj) { /// /// Start the jQuery lightBox plugin. /// /// objClicked The object (link) whick the user have clicked /// jQueryMatchedObj The jQuery object with all elements matched // Hime some elements to avoid conflict with overlay in IE. These elements appear above the overlay. $('embed, object, select').css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); // Call the function to create the markup structure; style some elements; assign events in some elements. _set_interface(); // Unset total images in imageArray settings.imageArray.length = 0; // Unset image active information settings.activeImage = 0; // We have an image set? Or just an image? Let´s see it. if (jQueryMatchedObj.length == 1) { settings.imageArray.push(new Array(objClicked.getAttribute('href'), objClicked.getAttribute('title'))); } else { // Add an Array (as many as we have), with href and title atributes, inside the Array that storage the images references for (var i = 0; i < jQueryMatchedObj.length; i++) { settings.imageArray.push(new Array(jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute('href'), jQueryMatchedObj[i].getAttribute('title'))); } } while (settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][0] != objClicked.getAttribute('href')) { settings.activeImage++; } // Call the function that prepares image exibition _set_image_to_view(); } function _set_interface() { // Apply the HTML markup into body tag //$('body').append('
'); $('body').append('
'); $('#lightbox-container-image-box').corner(); $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').corner(); // Get page sizes var arrPageSizes = ___getPageSize(); // Style overlay and show it $('#jquery-overlay').css({ backgroundColor: settings.overlayBgColor, opacity: settings.overlayOpacity, width: arrPageSizes[0], height: arrPageSizes[1] }).fadeIn(); // Get page scroll var arrPageScroll = ___getPageScroll(); // Calculate top and left offset for the jquery-lightbox div object and show it $('#jquery-lightbox').css({ top: arrPageScroll[1] + (arrPageSizes[3] / 10), left: arrPageScroll[0] }).show(); // Assigning click events in elements to close overlay // $('#jquery-overlay,#jquery-lightbox').click(function() { // _finish(); // }); // Assign the _finish function to lightbox-loading-link and lightbox-secNav-btnClose objects $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-right img').click(function() { _finish(); return false; }); //Start/Stop the slide show $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').click(function() { if (settings.slideShow == 'start') { $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img')[0].src = settings.imageBtnStop; settings.step = 0; $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').everyTime(settings.slideShowTimer / Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125), "timer", function(i) { _set_timer(); }, Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125)); settings.slideShow = 'stop'; } else { $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img')[0].src = settings.imageBtnPlay; $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').stopTime("timer"); settings.step = 0; $("#lightbox-container-image-box-top-middle").reportprogress(settings.step, Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125)); settings.slideShow = 'start'; } return false; }); // If window was resized, calculate the new overlay dimensions $(window).resize(function() { // Get page sizes var arrPageSizes = ___getPageSize(); // Style overlay and show it $('#jquery-overlay').css({ width: arrPageSizes[0], height: arrPageSizes[1] }); // Get page scroll var arrPageScroll = ___getPageScroll(); // Calculate top and left offset for the jquery-lightbox div object and show it $('#jquery-lightbox').css({ top: arrPageScroll[1] + (arrPageSizes[3] / 10), left: arrPageScroll[0] }); }); } function _set_timer() { settings.step = settings.step + 1 $("#lightbox-container-image-box-top-middle").reportprogress(settings.step, Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125)); if (settings.step == Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125)) { settings.step = 0; settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; if (settings.imageArray.length <= settings.activeImage) { settings.activeImage = 0; } $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').stopTime("timer"); _set_image_to_view(true); } } /** * Prepares image exibition; doing a image´s preloader to calculate it´s size * */ function _set_image_to_view(timer) { // Show the loading $('#lightbox-loading').show(); if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-image,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').hide(); } else { // Hide some elements $('#lightbox-image,#lightbox-nav,#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber,#lightbox-container-image-box-top').hide(); } // Image preload process var objImagePreloader = new Image(); objImagePreloader.onload = function() { $('#lightbox-image').attr('src', settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][0]); // Perfomance an effect in the image container resizing it _resize_container_image_box(objImagePreloader.width, objImagePreloader.height); // clear onLoad, IE behaves irratically with animated gifs otherwise objImagePreloader.onload = function() { }; }; objImagePreloader.src = settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][0]; if (timer) { $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top-left img').everyTime(settings.slideShowTimer / Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125), "timer", function(i) { _set_timer(); }, Math.round(settings.slideShowTimer / 125)); } }; /** * Perfomance an effect in the image container resizing it * * @param integer intImageWidth The image´s width that will be showed * @param integer intImageHeight The image´s height that will be showed */ function _resize_container_image_box(intImageWidth, intImageHeight) { // Get current width and height var intCurrentWidth = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').width(); var intCurrentHeight = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').height(); // Get the width and height of the selected image plus the padding var intWidth = (intImageWidth + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)); // Plus the image´s width and the left and right padding value var intHeight = (intImageHeight + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2)); // Plus the image´s height and the left and right padding value // Diferences var intDiffW = intCurrentWidth - intWidth; var intDiffH = intCurrentHeight - intHeight; // Perfomance the effect $('#lightbox-container-image-box').animate({ width: intWidth, height: intHeight }, settings.containerResizeSpeed, function() { _show_image(); }); if ((intDiffW == 0) && (intDiffH == 0)) { if ($.browser.msie) { ___pause(250); } else { ___pause(100); } } $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').css({ width: intWidth }); $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css({ height: intImageHeight + (settings.containerBorderSize * 2) - 32 }); }; /** * Show the prepared image * */ function _show_image() { $('#lightbox-loading').hide(); $('#lightbox-image').fadeIn(function() { _show_image_data(); _set_navigation(); }); _preload_neighbor_images(); }; /** * Show the image information * */ function _show_image_data() { $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').slideDown('fast'); $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').hide(); if (settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][1]) { $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').html(settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage][1]).show(); } // If we have a image set, display 'Image X of X' if (settings.imageArray.length > 1) { $('#lightbox-image-details-currentNumber').html(settings.txtImage + ' ' + (settings.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + settings.txtOf + ' ' + settings.imageArray.length).show(); } $('#lightbox-container-image-box-top').show(); } /** * Display the button navigations * */ function _set_navigation() { $('#lightbox-nav').show(); // Instead to define this configuration in CSS file, we define here. And it´s need to IE. Just. $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev,#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css({ 'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat' }); // Show the prev button, if not the first image in set if (settings.activeImage != 0) { if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-image-details-previous-image, #lightbox-image-details-previous-text').unbind() .bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { // Show the images button for Next buttons $('#lightbox-image-details-previous-image, #lightbox-image-details-previous-text').unbind().show().bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } else $('#lightbox-image-details-previous-image, #lightbox-image-details-previous-text').hide(); // Show the prev button, if not the first image in set if (settings.activeImage != 0) { if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev').css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnPrev + ') left 50% no-repeat' }) .unbind() .bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { // Show the images button for Next buttons $('#lightbox-nav-btnPrev').unbind().hover(function() { $(this).css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnPrev + ') left 50% no-repeat' }); }, function() { $(this).css({ 'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat' }); }).show().bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } // Show the next button, if not the last image in set if (settings.activeImage != (settings.imageArray.length - 1)) { if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-image-details-next-image, #lightbox-image-details-next-text').unbind() .bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { // Show the images button for Next buttons $('#lightbox-image-details-next-image, #lightbox-image-details-next-text').unbind().show().bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } else $('#lightbox-image-details-next-image, #lightbox-image-details-next-text').hide(); if (settings.activeImage != (settings.imageArray.length - 1)) { if (settings.fixedNavigation) { $('#lightbox-nav-btnNext').css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnNext + ') right 50% no-repeat' }) .unbind() .bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { // Show the images button for Next buttons $('#lightbox-nav-btnNext').unbind().hover(function() { $(this).css({ 'background': 'url(' + settings.imageBtnNext + ') right 50% no-repeat' }); }, function() { $(this).css({ 'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageBlank + ') no-repeat' }); }).show().bind('click', function() { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } // Enable keyboard navigation _enable_keyboard_navigation(); } /** * Enable a support to keyboard navigation * */ function _enable_keyboard_navigation() { $(document).keydown(function(objEvent) { _keyboard_action(objEvent); }); } /** * Disable the support to keyboard navigation * */ function _disable_keyboard_navigation() { $(document).unbind(); } /** * Perform the keyboard actions * */ function _keyboard_action(objEvent) { // To ie if (objEvent == null) { keycode = event.keyCode; escapeKey = 27; // To Mozilla } else { keycode = objEvent.keyCode; escapeKey = objEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; } // Get the key in lower case form key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); // Verify the keys to close the ligthBox if ((key == settings.keyToClose) || (key == 'x') || (keycode == escapeKey)) { _finish(); } // Verify the key to show the previous image if ((key == settings.keyToPrev) || (keycode == 37)) { // If we´re not showing the first image, call the previous if (settings.activeImage != 0) { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); _disable_keyboard_navigation(); } } // Verify the key to show the next image if ((key == settings.keyToNext) || (keycode == 39)) { // If we´re not showing the last image, call the next if (settings.activeImage != (settings.imageArray.length - 1)) { settings.activeImage = settings.activeImage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); _disable_keyboard_navigation(); } } } /** * Preload prev and next images being showed * */ function _preload_neighbor_images() { if ((settings.imageArray.length - 1) > settings.activeImage) { objNext = new Image(); objNext.src = settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage + 1][0]; } if (settings.activeImage > 0) { objPrev = new Image(); objPrev.src = settings.imageArray[settings.activeImage - 1][0]; } } /** * Remove jQuery lightBox plugin HTML markup * */ function _finish() { $('#jquery-lightbox').remove(); $('#jquery-overlay').fadeOut(function() { $('#jquery-overlay').remove(); }); // Show some elements to avoid conflict with overlay in IE. These elements appear above the overlay. $('embed, object, select').css({ 'visibility': 'visible' }); } /** / THIRD FUNCTION * getPageSize() by quirksmode.com * * @return Array Return an array with page width, height and window width, height */ function ___getPageSize() { var xScroll, yScroll; if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX; yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY; } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight) { // all but Explorer Mac xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth; yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight; } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth; yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight; } var windowWidth, windowHeight; if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer if (document.documentElement.clientWidth) { windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else { windowWidth = self.innerWidth; } windowHeight = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { // other Explorers windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth; windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport if (yScroll < windowHeight) { pageHeight = windowHeight; } else { pageHeight = yScroll; } // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport if (xScroll < windowWidth) { pageWidth = xScroll; } else { pageWidth = windowWidth; } arrayPageSize = new Array(pageWidth, pageHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight); return arrayPageSize; }; /** / THIRD FUNCTION * getPageScroll() by quirksmode.com * * @return Array Return an array with x,y page scroll values. */ function ___getPageScroll() { var xScroll, yScroll; if (self.pageYOffset) { yScroll = self.pageYOffset; xScroll = self.pageXOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { // Explorer 6 Strict yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop; xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers yScroll = document.body.scrollTop; xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft; } arrayPageScroll = new Array(xScroll, yScroll); return arrayPageScroll; }; /** * Stop the code execution from a escified time in milisecond * */ function ___pause(ms) { var date = new Date(); curDate = null; do { var curDate = new Date(); } while (curDate - date < ms); }; // Return the jQuery object for chaining. The unbind method is used to avoid click conflict when the plugin is called more than once return this.unbind('click').click(_initialize); }; })(jQuery); // Call and execute the function immediately passing the jQuery object /* [===========================================================================] [ JQUERY PROGRESS BAR ] [===========================================================================] */ (function($) { //Main Method $.fn.reportprogress = function(val, maxVal) { var max = 100; if (maxVal) max = maxVal; return this.each( function() { var div = $(this); var innerdiv = div.find(".progress"); if (innerdiv.length != 1) { innerdiv = $("
"); // div.append("
"); // $(" ").css("width", div.width()).appendTo(innerdiv); div.append(innerdiv); } var width = Math.round(val / max * 100); innerdiv.css("width", width + "%"); // div.find(".text").html(width + " %"); } ); }; })(jQuery); /* [===========================================================================] [ JQUERY CURVY CORNERS ] [===========================================================================] */ (function($) { $.fn.corner = function(options) { function BlendColour(Col1, Col2, Col1Fraction) { var red1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(1, 2), 16); var green1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(3, 2), 16); var blue1 = parseInt(Col1.substr(5, 2), 16); var red2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(1, 2), 16); var green2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(3, 2), 16); var blue2 = parseInt(Col2.substr(5, 2), 16); if (Col1Fraction > 1 || Col1Fraction < 0) Col1Fraction = 1; var endRed = Math.round((red1 * Col1Fraction) + (red2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if (endRed > 255) endRed = 255; if (endRed < 0) endRed = 0; var endGreen = Math.round((green1 * Col1Fraction) + (green2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if (endGreen > 255) endGreen = 255; if (endGreen < 0) endGreen = 0; var endBlue = Math.round((blue1 * Col1Fraction) + (blue2 * (1 - Col1Fraction))); if (endBlue > 255) endBlue = 255; if (endBlue < 0) endBlue = 0; return "#" + IntToHex(endRed) + IntToHex(endGreen) + IntToHex(endBlue); } function IntToHex(strNum) { base = strNum / 16; rem = strNum % 16; base = base - (rem / 16); baseS = MakeHex(base); remS = MakeHex(rem); return baseS + '' + remS; } function MakeHex(x) { if ((x >= 0) && (x <= 9)) { return x; } else { switch (x) { case 10: return "A"; case 11: return "B"; case 12: return "C"; case 13: return "D"; case 14: return "E"; case 15: return "F"; }; return "F"; }; } function pixelFraction(x, y, r) { var pixelfraction = 0; var xvalues = new Array(1); var yvalues = new Array(1); var point = 0; var whatsides = ""; var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(x, 2))); if ((intersect >= y) && (intersect < (y + 1))) { whatsides = "Left"; xvalues[point] = 0; yvalues[point] = intersect - y; point = point + 1; }; var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(y + 1, 2))); if ((intersect >= x) && (intersect < (x + 1))) { whatsides = whatsides + "Top"; xvalues[point] = intersect - x; yvalues[point] = 1; point = point + 1; }; var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(x + 1, 2))); if ((intersect >= y) && (intersect < (y + 1))) { whatsides = whatsides + "Right"; xvalues[point] = 1; yvalues[point] = intersect - y; point = point + 1; }; var intersect = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(y, 2))); if ((intersect >= x) && (intersect < (x + 1))) { whatsides = whatsides + "Bottom"; xvalues[point] = intersect - x; yvalues[point] = 0; }; switch (whatsides) { case "LeftRight": pixelfraction = Math.min(yvalues[0], yvalues[1]) + ((Math.max(yvalues[0], yvalues[1]) - Math.min(yvalues[0], yvalues[1])) / 2); break; case "TopRight": pixelfraction = 1 - (((1 - xvalues[0]) * (1 - yvalues[1])) / 2); break; case "TopBottom": pixelfraction = Math.min(xvalues[0], xvalues[1]) + ((Math.max(xvalues[0], xvalues[1]) - Math.min(xvalues[0], xvalues[1])) / 2); break; case "LeftBottom": pixelfraction = (yvalues[0] * xvalues[1]) / 2; break; default: pixelfraction = 1; }; return pixelfraction; } function rgb2Hex(rgbColour) { try { var rgbArray = rgb2Array(rgbColour); var red = parseInt(rgbArray[0]); var green = parseInt(rgbArray[1]); var blue = parseInt(rgbArray[2]); var hexColour = "#" + IntToHex(red) + IntToHex(green) + IntToHex(blue); } catch (e) { alert("There was an error converting the RGB value to Hexadecimal in function rgb2Hex"); }; return hexColour; } function rgb2Array(rgbColour) { var rgbValues = rgbColour.substring(4, rgbColour.indexOf(")")); var rgbArray = rgbValues.split(", "); return rgbArray; } function format_colour(colour) { var returnColour = "transparent"; if (colour != "" && colour != "transparent") { if (colour.substr(0, 3) == "rgb" && colour.substr(0, 4) != "rgba") { returnColour = rgb2Hex(colour); } else if (colour.length == 4) { returnColour = "#" + colour.substring(1, 2) + colour.substring(1, 2) + colour.substring(2, 3) + colour.substring(2, 3) + colour.substring(3, 4) + colour.substring(3, 4); } else { returnColour = colour; }; }; return returnColour; }; function strip_px(value) { return parseInt(((value != "auto" && value.indexOf("%") == -1 && value != "" && value.indexOf("px") !== -1) ? value.slice(0, value.indexOf("px")) : 0)) } function drawPixel(box, intx, inty, colour, transAmount, height, newCorner, image, bgImage, cornerRadius, isBorder, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings) { var $$ = $(box); var pixel = document.createElement("div"); $(pixel).css({ height: height, width: "1px", position: "absolute", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden" }); //var topMaxRadius = Math.max(settings["tr"].radius, settings["tl"].radius); var topMaxRadius = Math.max(settings.tl ? settings.tl.radius : 0, settings.tr ? settings.tr.radius : 0); // Dont apply background image to border pixels if (image == -1 && bgImage != "") { if (topMaxRadius > 0) $(pixel).css("background-position", "-" + ((boxWidth - cornerRadius - borderWidth) + intx) + "px -" + (($$.height() + topMaxRadius - borderWidth) - inty) + "px"); else $(pixel).css("background-position", "-" + ((boxWidth - cornerRadius - borderWidth) + intx) + "px -" + (($$.height()) - inty) + "px"); $(pixel).css({ "background-image": bgImage, "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-color": colour }); } else { if (!isBorder) $(pixel).css("background-color", colour).addClass('hasBackgroundColor'); else $(pixel).css("background-color", colour); }; if (transAmount != 100) setOpacity(pixel, transAmount); //$(pixel).css('opacity',transAmount/100); $(pixel).css({ top: inty + "px", left: intx + "px" }); return pixel; }; function setOpacity(obj, opacity) { opacity = (opacity == 100) ? 99.999 : opacity; if ($.browser.safari && obj.tagName != "IFRAME") { // Get array of RGB values var rgbArray = rgb2Array(obj.style.backgroundColor); // Get RGB values var red = parseInt(rgbArray[0]); var green = parseInt(rgbArray[1]); var blue = parseInt(rgbArray[2]); // Safari using RGBA support obj.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(" + red + ", " + green + ", " + blue + ", " + opacity / 100 + ")"; } else if (typeof (obj.style.opacity) != "undefined") { // W3C obj.style.opacity = opacity / 100; } else if (typeof (obj.style.MozOpacity) != "undefined") { // Older Mozilla obj.style.MozOpacity = opacity / 100; } else if (typeof (obj.style.filter) != "undefined") { // IE obj.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:" + opacity + ")"; } else if (typeof (obj.style.KHTMLOpacity) != "undefined") { // Older KHTML Based Browsers obj.style.KHTMLOpacity = opacity / 100; } } // Apply the corners function applyCorners(box, settings) { var $$ = $(box); // Get CSS of box and define vars var thebgImage = $$.css("backgroundImage"); var topContainer = null; var bottomContainer = null; var masterCorners = new Array(); var contentDIV = null; var boxHeight = strip_px($$.css("height")) ? strip_px($$.css("height")) : box.scrollHeight; var boxWidth = strip_px($$.css("width")) ? strip_px($$.css("width")) : box.scrollWidth; var borderWidth = strip_px($$.css("borderTopWidth")) ? strip_px($$.css("borderTopWidth")) : 0; var boxPaddingTop = strip_px($$.css("paddingTop")); var boxPaddingBottom = strip_px($$.css("paddingBottom")); var boxPaddingLeft = strip_px($$.css("paddingLeft")); var boxPaddingRight = strip_px($$.css("paddingRight")); var boxColour = format_colour($$.css("backgroundColor")); var bgImage = (thebgImage != "none" && thebgImage != "initial") ? thebgImage : ""; //var boxContent = $$.html(); var borderColour = format_colour($$.css("borderTopColor")); var borderString = borderWidth + "px" + " solid " + borderColour; var topMaxRadius = Math.max(settings.tl ? settings.tl.radius : 0, settings.tr ? settings.tr.radius : 0); var botMaxRadius = Math.max(settings.bl ? settings.bl.radius : 0, settings.br ? settings.br.radius : 0); $$.addClass('hasCorners').css({ "padding": "0", "borderColor": box.style.borderColour, 'overflow': 'visible' }); if (box.style.position != "absolute") $$.css("position", "relative"); if (($.browser.msie)) { if ($.browser.version == 6 && box.style.width == "auto" && box.style.height == "auto") $$.css("width", "100%"); $$.css("zoom", "1"); $("*", $$).css("zoom", "normal"); } for (var t = 0; t < 2; t++) { switch (t) { case 0: if (settings.tl || settings.tr) { var newMainContainer = document.createElement("div"); topContainer = box.appendChild(newMainContainer); $(topContainer).css({ width: "100%", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", "padding-left": borderWidth, "padding-right": borderWidth, height: topMaxRadius + "px", top: 0 - topMaxRadius + "px", left: 0 - borderWidth + "px" }).addClass('topContainer'); }; break; case 1: if (settings.bl || settings.br) { var newMainContainer = document.createElement("div"); bottomContainer = box.appendChild(newMainContainer); $(bottomContainer).css({ width: "100%", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", "padding-left": borderWidth, "padding-right": borderWidth, height: botMaxRadius, bottom: 0 - botMaxRadius + "px", left: 0 - borderWidth + "px" }).addClass('bottomContainer'); }; break; }; }; if (settings.autoPad == true) { //$$.html(""); var contentContainer = document.createElement("div"); var contentContainer2 = document.createElement("div"); var clearDiv = document.createElement("div"); $(contentContainer2).css({ margin: "0", "padding-bottom": boxPaddingBottom, "padding-top": boxPaddingTop, "padding-left": boxPaddingLeft, "padding-right": boxPaddingRight, 'overflow': 'visible', height: "100%" }).addClass('hasBackgroundColor content_container'); $(contentContainer).css({ position: "relative", 'float': "left", width: "100%", "margin-top": "-" + Math.abs(topMaxRadius - borderWidth) + "px", "margin-bottom": "-" + Math.abs(botMaxRadius - borderWidth) + "px", height: "100%" }).addClass = "autoPadDiv"; $(clearDiv).css("clear", "both"); contentContainer2.appendChild(contentContainer); contentContainer2.appendChild(clearDiv); $$.wrapInner(contentContainer2); }; if (topContainer) $$.css("border-top", 0); if (bottomContainer) $$.css("border-bottom", 0); var corners = ["tr", "tl", "br", "bl"]; for (var i in corners) { if (i > -1 < 4) { var cc = corners[i]; if (!settings[cc]) { if (((cc == "tr" || cc == "tl") && topContainer != null) || ((cc == "br" || cc == "bl") && bottomContainer != null)) { var newCorner = document.createElement("div"); $(newCorner).css({ position: "relative", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden" }); if (bgImage == "") $(newCorner).css("background-color", boxColour); else $(newCorner).css("background-image", bgImage).css("background-color", boxColour); ; switch (cc) { case "tl": $(newCorner).css({ height: topMaxRadius - borderWidth, "margin-right": settings.tr.radius - (borderWidth * 2), "border-left": borderString, "border-top": borderString, left: -borderWidth + "px", "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-position": borderWidth + "px 0px" }); break; case "tr": $(newCorner).css({ height: topMaxRadius - borderWidth, "margin-left": settings.tl.radius - (borderWidth * 2), "border-right": borderString, "border-top": borderString, left: borderWidth + "px", "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-position": "-" + (topMaxRadius + borderWidth) + "px 0px" }); break; case "bl": if (topMaxRadius > 0) $(newCorner).css({ height: botMaxRadius - borderWidth, "margin-right": settings.br.radius - (borderWidth * 2), "border-left": borderString, "border-bottom": borderString, left: -borderWidth + "px", "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-position": "0px -" + ($$.height() + topMaxRadius - borderWidth + 1) + "px" }); else $(newCorner).css({ height: botMaxRadius - borderWidth, "margin-right": settings.br.radius - (borderWidth * 2), "border-left": borderString, "border-bottom": borderString, left: -borderWidth + "px", "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-position": "0px -" + ($$.height()) + "px" }); break; case "br": if (topMaxRadius > 0) $(newCorner).css({ height: botMaxRadius - borderWidth, "margin-left": settings.bl.radius - (borderWidth * 2), "border-right": borderString, "border-bottom": borderString, left: borderWidth + "px", "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-position": "-" + settings.bl.radius + borderWidth + "px -" + ($$.height() + topMaxRadius - borderWidth + 1) + "px" }); else $(newCorner).css({ height: botMaxRadius - borderWidth, "margin-left": settings.bl.radius - (borderWidth * 2), "border-right": borderString, "border-bottom": borderString, left: borderWidth + "px", "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat"), "background-position": "-" + settings.bl.radius + borderWidth + "px -" + ($$.height()) + "px" }); break; }; }; } else { if (masterCorners[settings[cc].radius]) { var newCorner = masterCorners[settings[cc].radius].cloneNode(true); } else { var newCorner = document.createElement("DIV"); $(newCorner).css({ height: settings[cc].radius, width: settings[cc].radius, position: "absolute", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden" }); var borderRadius = parseInt(settings[cc].radius - borderWidth); for (var intx = 0, j = settings[cc].radius; intx < j; intx++) { if ((intx + 1) >= borderRadius) var y1 = -1; else var y1 = (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius, 2) - Math.pow((intx + 1), 2))) - 1); if (borderRadius != j) { if ((intx) >= borderRadius) var y2 = -1; else var y2 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(borderRadius, 2) - Math.pow(intx, 2))); if ((intx + 1) >= j) var y3 = -1; else var y3 = (Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j, 2) - Math.pow((intx + 1), 2))) - 1); }; if ((intx) >= j) var y4 = -1; else var y4 = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j, 2) - Math.pow(intx, 2))); if (y1 > -1) newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, 0, boxColour, 100, (y1 + 1), newCorner, -1, bgImage, settings[cc].radius, 0, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); if (borderRadius != j) { for (var inty = (y1 + 1); inty < y2; inty++) { if (settings.antiAlias) { if (bgImage != "") { var borderFract = (pixelFraction(intx, inty, borderRadius) * 100); if (borderFract < 30) { newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, inty, borderColour, 100, 1, newCorner, 0, bgImage, settings[cc].radius, 1, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); } else { newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, inty, borderColour, 100, 1, newCorner, -1, bgImage, settings[cc].radius, 1, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); }; } else { var pixelcolour = BlendColour(boxColour, borderColour, pixelFraction(intx, inty, borderRadius)); newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, inty, pixelcolour, 100, 1, newCorner, 0, bgImage, settings[cc].radius, cc, 1, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); }; }; }; if (settings.antiAlias) { if (y3 >= y2) { if (y2 == -1) y2 = 0; newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, y2, borderColour, 100, (y3 - y2 + 1), newCorner, 0, bgImage, 0, 1, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); } } else { if (y3 >= y1) { newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, (y1 + 1), borderColour, 100, (y3 - y1), newCorner, 0, bgImage, 0, 1, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); } }; var outsideColour = borderColour; } else { var outsideColour = boxColour; var y3 = y1; }; if (settings.antiAlias) { for (var inty = (y3 + 1); inty < y4; inty++) { newCorner.appendChild(drawPixel(box, intx, inty, outsideColour, (pixelFraction(intx, inty, j) * 100), 1, newCorner, ((borderWidth > 0) ? 0 : -1), bgImage, settings[cc].radius, 1, borderWidth, boxWidth, settings)); }; }; }; masterCorners[settings[cc].radius] = newCorner.cloneNode(true); }; if (cc != "br") { for (var t = 0, k = newCorner.childNodes.length; t < k; t++) { var pixelBar = newCorner.childNodes[t]; var pixelBarTop = strip_px($(pixelBar).css("top")); var pixelBarLeft = strip_px($(pixelBar).css("left")); var pixelBarHeight = strip_px($(pixelBar).css("height")); if (cc == "tl" || cc == "bl") { $(pixelBar).css("left", settings[cc].radius - pixelBarLeft - 1 + "px"); }; if (cc == "tr" || cc == "tl") { $(pixelBar).css("top", settings[cc].radius - pixelBarHeight - pixelBarTop + "px"); }; switch (cc) { case "tr": $(pixelBar).css("background-position", "-" + Math.abs((boxWidth - settings[cc].radius + borderWidth) + pixelBarLeft) + "px -" + Math.abs(settings[cc].radius - pixelBarHeight - pixelBarTop - borderWidth) + "px"); break; case "tl": $(pixelBar).css("background-position", "-" + Math.abs((settings[cc].radius - pixelBarLeft - 1) - borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs(settings[cc].radius - pixelBarHeight - pixelBarTop - borderWidth) + "px"); break; case "bl": if (topMaxRadius > 0) $(pixelBar).css("background-position", "-" + Math.abs((settings[cc].radius - pixelBarLeft - 1) - borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs(($$.height() + topMaxRadius - borderWidth + 1)) + "px"); else $(pixelBar).css("background-position", "-" + Math.abs((settings[cc].radius - pixelBarLeft - 1) - borderWidth) + "px -" + Math.abs(($$.height())) + "px"); break; }; }; }; }; if (newCorner) { switch (cc) { case "tl": if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("top", "0"); if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("left", "0"); if (topContainer) topContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "tr": if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("top", "0"); if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("right", "0"); if (topContainer) topContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "bl": if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("bottom", "0"); if (newCorner.style.position == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("left", "0"); if (bottomContainer) bottomContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; case "br": if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("bottom", "0"); if ($(newCorner).css("position") == "absolute") $(newCorner).css("right", "0"); if (bottomContainer) bottomContainer.appendChild(newCorner); break; }; }; }; }; var radiusDiff = new Array(); radiusDiff["t"] = Math.abs(settings.tl.radius - settings.tr.radius); radiusDiff["b"] = Math.abs(settings.bl.radius - settings.br.radius); for (z in radiusDiff) { if (z == "t" || z == "b") { if (radiusDiff[z]) { var smallerCornerType = ((settings[z + "l"].radius < settings[z + "r"].radius) ? z + "l" : z + "r"); var newFiller = document.createElement("div"); $(newFiller).css({ height: radiusDiff[z], width: settings[smallerCornerType].radius + "px", position: "absolute", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden", "background-color": boxColour, "background-image": bgImage }); switch (smallerCornerType) { case "tl": $(newFiller).css({ "bottom": "0", "left": "0", "border-left": borderString, "background-position": "0px -" + (settings[smallerCornerType].radius - borderWidth) }); topContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "tr": $(newFiller).css({ "bottom": "0", "right": "0", "border-right": borderString, "background-position": "0px -" + (settings[smallerCornerType].radius - borderWidth) + "px" }); topContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "bl": $(newFiller).css({ "top": "0", "left": "0", "border-left": borderString, "background-position": "0px -" + ($$.height() + settings[smallerCornerType].radius - borderWidth) }); bottomContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; case "br": $(newFiller).css({ "top": "0", "right": "0", "border-right": borderString, "background-position": "0px -" + ($$.height() + settings[smallerCornerType].radius - borderWidth) }); bottomContainer.appendChild(newFiller); break; } }; var newFillerBar = document.createElement("div"); $(newFillerBar).css({ position: "relative", "font-size": "1px", overflow: "hidden", "background-color": boxColour, "background-image": bgImage, "background-repeat": $$.css("background-repeat") }); switch (z) { case "t": if (topContainer) { if (settings.tl.radius && settings.tr.radius) { $(newFillerBar).css({ height: topMaxRadius - borderWidth + "px", "margin-left": settings.tl.radius - borderWidth + "px", "margin-right": settings.tr.radius - borderWidth + "px", "border-top": borderString }).addClass('hasBackgroundColor'); if (bgImage != "") $(newFillerBar).css("background-position", "-" + (topMaxRadius + borderWidth) + "px 0px"); topContainer.appendChild(newFillerBar); }; $$.css("background-position", "0px -" + (topMaxRadius - borderWidth + 1) + "px"); }; break; case "b": if (bottomContainer) { if (settings.bl.radius && settings.br.radius) { $(newFillerBar).css({ height: botMaxRadius - borderWidth + "px", "margin-left": settings.bl.radius - borderWidth + "px", "margin-right": settings.br.radius - borderWidth + "px", "border-bottom": borderString }); if (bgImage != "" && topMaxRadius > 0) $(newFillerBar).css("background-position", "-" + (settings.bl.radius - borderWidth) + "px -" + ($$.height() + topMaxRadius - borderWidth + 1) + "px"); else $(newFillerBar).css("background-position", "-" + (settings.bl.radius - borderWidth) + "px -" + ($$.height()) + "px").addClass('hasBackgroundColor'); bottomContainer.appendChild(newFillerBar); }; }; break; }; }; }; $$.prepend(topContainer); $$.prepend(bottomContainer); } var settings = { tl: { radius: 8 }, tr: { radius: 8 }, bl: { radius: 8 }, br: { radius: 8 }, antiAlias: true, autoPad: true, validTags: ["div"] }; if (options && typeof (options) != 'string') $.extend(settings, options); return this.each(function() { if (!$(this).is('.hasCorners')) { applyCorners(this, settings); } }); }; })(jQuery); /* [===========================================================================] [ JQUERY TIMER ] [===========================================================================] */ jQuery.fn.extend({ everyTime: function(interval, label, fn, times, belay) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.timer.add(this, interval, label, fn, times, belay); }); }, oneTime: function(interval, label, fn) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.timer.add(this, interval, label, fn, 1); }); }, stopTime: function(label, fn) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.timer.remove(this, label, fn); }); } }); jQuery.event.special jQuery.extend({ timer: { global: [], guid: 1, dataKey: "jQuery.timer", regex: /^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)\s*(.*s)?$/, powers: { // Yeah this is major overkill... 'ms': 1, 'cs': 10, 'ds': 100, 's': 1000, 'das': 10000, 'hs': 100000, 'ks': 1000000 }, timeParse: function(value) { if (value == undefined || value == null) return null; var result = this.regex.exec(jQuery.trim(value.toString())); if (result[2]) { var num = parseFloat(result[1]); var mult = this.powers[result[2]] || 1; return num * mult; } else { return value; } }, add: function(element, interval, label, fn, times, belay) { var counter = 0; if (jQuery.isFunction(label)) { if (!times) times = fn; fn = label; label = interval; } interval = jQuery.timer.timeParse(interval); if (typeof interval != 'number' || isNaN(interval) || interval <= 0) return; if (times && times.constructor != Number) { belay = !!times; times = 0; } times = times || 0; belay = belay || false; var timers = jQuery.data(element, this.dataKey) || jQuery.data(element, this.dataKey, {}); if (!timers[label]) timers[label] = {}; fn.timerID = fn.timerID || this.guid++; var handler = function() { if (belay && this.inProgress) return; this.inProgress = true; if ((++counter > times && times !== 0) || fn.call(element, counter) === false) jQuery.timer.remove(element, label, fn); this.inProgress = false; }; handler.timerID = fn.timerID; if (!timers[label][fn.timerID]) timers[label][fn.timerID] = window.setInterval(handler, interval); this.global.push(element); }, remove: function(element, label, fn) { var timers = jQuery.data(element, this.dataKey), ret; if (timers) { if (!label) { for (label in timers) this.remove(element, label, fn); } else if (timers[label]) { if (fn) { if (fn.timerID) { window.clearInterval(timers[label][fn.timerID]); delete timers[label][fn.timerID]; } } else { for (var fn in timers[label]) { window.clearInterval(timers[label][fn]); delete timers[label][fn]; } } for (ret in timers[label]) break; if (!ret) { ret = null; delete timers[label]; } } for (ret in timers) break; if (!ret) jQuery.removeData(element, this.dataKey); } } } }); jQuery(window).bind("unload", function() { jQuery.each(jQuery.timer.global, function(index, item) { jQuery.timer.remove(item); }); });